- 6 July 2021 | 2270 Views
The problem for most investors is to find an instrument that gives them good returns over time. Most investment options follow the rule - high-risk, high-return, or low-risk, low-return. When you talk of high risk, high
- 9 May 2020 | 1657 Views
Who doesn’t want to learn in the college of their choice? Everyone right? The right to education is for anyone and thus, money follows. But not everyone is capable of getting an education because of low income. And be
- 29 August 2019 | 1839 Views
What are Neo banks? Neo banks mobile-first digital-only e-banking companies whose value proposition to the consumer is always on mobile. They don't have services of a traditional banking channel or a physical Bank branc
- 30 July 2019 | 2190 Views
Money can be borrowed from multiple sources, such as banks, non-banking financial institutions(NBFC), cooperatives, self-help groups, money lenders, and even from close friends and relatives for that matter. With the ups
- 11 July 2019 | 3224 Views
In the field of plastic money, credit card has become a prominent option for people. It has existed alongside debit card but started to be the preference of people quite recently. A credit card allows the person to buy
- 29 June 2019 | 1684 Views
Bond traders around the world tend to rely on pricing decisions in order to realise their profits. In most cases, they do not have too much time to take a call and place an order. This is because even a minuscule delay i
- 27 June 2019 | 1811 Views
In today’s fast-paced world, anyone can face a cash crunch at any time. This may be due to delays in salary, bank holidays, or even technical issues with regards to payments. In such a scenario, one has to borrow money
- 21 May 2019 | 2290 Views
With a slew of fintech startups in the row, the buzzword today in this vogue fintech world is P2P or "Peer to Peer". Here, in the finance world, it translates to P2P Lending & Investing; this is what Finzy is all abo