Mobile Virtual Cards
  • 19 October 2019 | 1524 Views

When we are largely restricting the use of plastics, how could the finance industry be left off! The usage of plastic has been a great concern for the planet. Hence, even physical transactional cards are been reconsidere

What is a Zero Frills Bank Account
  • 22 November 2017 | 1628 Views

In order to compensate for the services that the bank provides, the customers are usually required to maintain a minimum average balance in their accounts. However, there are many people in India who are unable to maint

Simple Steps to Avoid Debit and Credit Card Fraud
  • 20 November 2017 | 2253 Views

Your hard earned money is the only resource which can create multiple resources for you. It is thus, a prime requirement that this resource is kept safe and sound in our bank accounts or wallets. Thanks to the consistent

Cost of Using Payment Services in India
  • 19 May 2017 | 1383 Views

There are more than 50 payment gateways services available in India. In order to accept and make Payments fast, secure and convenient, online payment services are playing a vital role in India. Online payment services is

Online Payment Gateways – Compare the best one for you !!
  • 8 May 2017 | 1603 Views

Plastic Money and Digital Money cannot find an existence until there exists a safe system which guarantees security to the consumer and solves the double spend problem for the merchant. For a developing economy like Ind

Everything About Android Pay App
  • 4 May 2017 | 1290 Views

In today’s era, mobile payment services are growing day by day. Similarly to Apple Pay for iPhone, Google’s system is called Android Pay. Android Pay is a digital wallet app for the users to make purchases and to mak

Pros and Cons of E- Wallet
  • 3 May 2017 | 2829 Views

"There were times when money did not have any form. It took form via metal, paper and now plastic.   Soon, our money would be nothing but simplified binary equations. " E-wallet is now money on the move. E-wallets s

How Payment Banks Work?
  • 2 May 2017 | 1724 Views

Payment banks are a new elementary version of banks conceptualised by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). These banks almost provide every service and banking operations similar to other banks but the difference is they ope
