Myers Briggs Personality Test – What and Why MBTI is required?

  • 23 December 2019 | 2332 Views | By Mint2Save
Myers Briggs Personality Test

The personality of a person is considered as one of the most important traits one possesses. The way in which a person behaves speaks a lot about his character and the growth of the person in society. The combination of behavioral, emotional, motivational and thought process aspects that distinguishes an individual from another is Personality. Psychologists try to learn and interpret the personality to know how an individual behaves in a given situation. Myers Briggs Personality Test assess the person based on the test and specifies the personality type.

What does the term personality mean and personality psychology?

The thought process, behavior, emotion and the motivational feelings of a person are influenced by the combination of traits and factors, this is called the individual’s personality. This variation in the behavioral patterns gives rise to the individual to think, feel act in specific ways, making each individual unique.

This uniqueness in individuals and the human population is a variation of behavior which seems random on the exterior, but the basic difference is the use of this perception and judgment. The branch of psychology that studies the human’s personalities and how it varies among many people is Personality Psychology.

What are the factors that determine personality?

The personality psychology studies the similarities and differences of the thoughts, behavior and emotional patterns among people. The personality of a person is determined by many factors that are psychological, physical, hereditary and even biological. List of the influential personality factors are:

  • Human brain: This is one of the basic factors that determine the personality of a person. The brain stimulation is seen to be similar in a parent-child relationship. The behavioral pattern changes with growing children and the environment they are brought up.
  • Physical attributes: The way in which a person behaves in a group of people is mainly based on physical characteristics. Height, weight, skin tone, hair color are some of the physical attributes determining the personality of a person.
  • Social circumstances: The things that happen around a person affects perception and behavior. These social experiences change the coordination and cooperation in the community involvement, relationships in family and workplace. 
  • Religious and cultural practices: The values, traditions, customs, procedures and the ways in which a person is grown up with religion counts for the highest determinants of personality.
  • Genetic: Hereditary aspect is one of the surprising yet very important factors that decide the personality of a human. Most of the mental and physical factors are passed on through generations as genes making it a prominent personality determinant factor.

Why does one need to study personality and improve it?

The physical appearance and work expertise were given importance by many in the earlier situation. As time evolved, a person is ranked based on the personality of the individual. Confidence, behavioral changes, better communication, and positive thought process determine the good personality of self. Inner and the outer personality of an individual must be improved to become a better self and excel in personal and professional life. 

What is MBTI history?

MBTI is the abbreviation for the Myers Biggs Type Indicator, which is a self-report questionnaire that presents various personality types. The manner on which the world is perceived and the decisions are taken makes the person fall into a specific type of personality. 

Katherine Coom Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers is the Mother-daughter duo that developed the MBTI based on the conceptual theory based on Carl Jung. 

The MBTI was formulated to know the resemblances and the distinctions based on various personal interests, values, motivations, and experiences. 

The way of basic preferences of a person and the interaction between the various preferences forms the distinctive personality type.  The four categories that decide the personality type are:

  • Introversion/Extraversion – Favorite world: Which version of the world does a person like. The outer world or the inner world is your focus? What is your choice I or E?
  • Sensing/Intuition – Information: Do you just focus on the information received or want to understand the meaning and importance of information? What is your choice A or N?
  • Thinking/Feeling – Decision making: What do you look at, logic and consistency or people and circumstances when you are making decisions? What is your choice T or F?
  • Judging/Perception – Structure: Do you prefer pre-decided things or want to stay open for new information and options when dealing with the outside world? What is your choice J or P?

What is personality type and how is it calculated?

Based on the choices for each of the four categories discussed above, a person falls into one of the 16 personalities. Each personality type is the combination of four-letter code, the choice of your type from four categories. MBTI is personality type based on preferences but it is not a measure of ability, character or traits of a person.

The personality types and characteristics of those types are listed as:

  • ISTJ Personality – The Inspector: The combination of the four following traits – Introvert, Sensing, Thinking, Judging. One of the most often misunderstood personality type is this one. Traditional lovers and possess values like patience, hard work, and social responsibility.
  • INFJ Personality – The Counselor: The combination of the four following traits – Introvert, Intuition, Feeling, Judging. The ideas and imagination these individuals possess make them the visionaries and idealists they are. They are often distinguished as weird or amusing based on the depth and outlook of things they possess for various ideas.
  • INTJ Personality – The Mastermind: The combination of the four following traits – Introvert, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging. They are quiet and reserved but always question as to why and how things happen.  They like being alone and excel at planning and developing strategies. 
  • ENFJ Personality – The Giver: The combination of the four following traits – Extrovert, Intuition, Feeling, Judging. These people focused ones live in the imaginative world and maintain better connections with their charismatic and outspoken behavior.
  • ISTP Personality – The Craftsman: The combination of the four following traits – Intuitive, Sensing, Thinking, Perception. These spontaneous and mysterious people can hide their traits well from others.
  • ESFJ Personality – The Provider: The combination of the four following traits – Extrovert, Sensing, Feeling, Judging. These are common personality types, social butterflies. In simple terms, they are the cheerleaders and heart of any event. 
  • INFP Personality – The Idealist: The combination of the four following traits – Introvert, Intuitive, Feeling, Perception. These daydreamers are always lost in thoughts and imaginations. These quite and reserves one like to be alone to analyze things around them.
  • ESFP Personality – The Performer: The combination of the four following traits – Extrovert, Sensing, Feeling, Perception. These lively and fun people are the center of attraction and are the best entertainers. They love the spotlight and are sympathetic too.
  • ENFP Personality – The Champion: The combination of the four following traits – Extrovert, Intuitive, Feeling, Perception. These individualist champions are highly thoughtful and create own methods for success. They cannot live in a closed environment and would love to challenge themselves for the best.
  • ESTP Personality – The Doer: The combination of the four following traits – Extrovert, Sensing, Thinking, Perception. They are governed by feelings, emotions, logical along with freedom.
  • ESTJ Personality – The Supervisor: The combination of the four following traits – Extrovert, Sensing, Thinking, Judging. These are the good citizens who are always looked out for guidance and help. The traditionally believers so the right and socially acceptable things. 
  • ENTJ Personality – The Commander: The combination of the four following traits – Extrovert, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging. These take charge people are to take care of external logical and rational aspects. They are quick decision-makers and leverage even the disadvantages to the best of use.
  • INTP Personality – The Thinker: The combination of the four following traits – Introvert, Intuitive, Thinking, Perception. They have brilliant theories and logic and pretty uninterested in day to day activities. They love patterns and give insightful solutions.
  • ISFJ Personality – The Nurturer: The combination of the four following traits – Introvert, Sensing, Feeling, Judging. These philanthropists bring out the best in others and always want to give back to society. Very warm and kind-hearted people are sensitive to others’ feelings. 
  • ENTP Personality – The Visionary: a combination of the four following traits – Extrovert, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceptive. These rarest of types are logical and rational. They don’t do small talk and are knowledgable and intelligent.
  • ISFP Personality – The Composer: The combination of the four following traits – Introvert, Sensing, Feeling, Perceptive. These warm, approachable, friendly people like to live life to the fullest. They always like to explore new things and experiences.

The MBTI tool is different from many other tests,  tools and is the best one that is both reliable and valid. MBTI test is applied more frequently in the business environment gaining more credibility.  

Advantages of using MBTI test are:

  • Formulate a career development plan
  • Conflicts removal and the way to avoid them 
  • To improve self-awareness and develop the inner strengths
  • Cultivate the weakness into strengths.
  • Identifying the unique talent, strength 
  • Increasing the emotional intelligence
  • Identify and eliminate arising differences in-home and workplace 
  • To reduce stress and be more relaxed.

The MBTI act as the perfect tool to build strong relationships in personal life and at the workplace through self-awareness, development.

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